
2023 Election, Critical For Nation’s Unity, says Dalong

The Former Minister of Youth and Sports and spokes person of the Social Democratic Party, (SDP), Solomon Dalong has said that Nigerians can not afford to repeat the 2015 mistake in the forth coming general elections, adding that it is too critical in the unity of the country.

Dalong at a press conference in Abuja, on Friday apologized to Nigerians for being among those that worked this present failed government into power.

He appealed with the All Progressive Congress,(APC), to stop narrowing the political space to its favour by using government assets for campaign.

Dalong further urged the ruling part to see the right to conduct the forth coming elections as a privilege, saying that if president Jonathan wàs not fair APC would not have won the 2015 general election.

” The days of hypocrisy and fake promises have gone. SDP has offered ourselves for scrutiny. Others should also come out and face Nigerians. 2023 is too critical for the unity of this country. Nigerians can not afford that mistake again.

Nigerians should resist the hurricane. The problem that we are suffering today is as a result of the hurricane that I, Solomon Dalong was among in 2015 and I never knew this is how the change will be.

The president, today is the number one victim of kidnap because Nigerians can not see him, the man who was available during campaign and shaking hands and dancing with Nigerians including the APC presidential candidate, today they are all victims of kidnap, political bandits have kidnapped them. You can not see or access them, people pay ransom to see them. That is not the presidency that we are looking for.

Those campaigning on the basis of hurricane should know that we are a different persons now. We are not going to elect any president based on sentiments. We will elect a president who have practical solution to our problem which is Adebayo.”

Speaking on security issues, he said conflict entrepreneurs are interested in security budgets rather than resolving the crisis.