
MA Teachers Blast State’s School Reopening Guidelines: Patch PM

MASSACHUSETTS — It’s Monday, Aug. 24. Here’s what Patch has been covering across Massachusetts today:

Friday’s recommendation from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s that remote teachers work from empty classrooms was soundly blasted by the state’s largest teachers union.

“It is paternalistic and punitive and has no bearing on the quality of education that the real experts — the educators — provide so masterfully,” Massachusetts Teachers Association President Merrie Najimy said. “This new guidance is clearly designed to force local educators’ unions to agree to in-person learning regardless of the condition of the school buildings in their districts, indoor air quality, testing capabilities or area COVID-19 transmission rates.”

Most Massachusetts school districts are planning to reopen next month with teachers either offering instruction remotely or by offering a mix of remote and in-person learning. State Education Commissioner Jeffrey Riley said his recommendation that teachers work from classrooms offer the educators access to a broad range of instructional materials and reliable internet access.