
Edo Assembly Confirms Appointment Of Two Commissioner-nominees

Edo State House of Assembly (EDHA) has confirmed the appointment of two commissioner nominees, who were recently appointed by Governor Godwin Obaseki.

At a plenary sitting of the Assembly, in Benin City, on Monday, August 17, 2020, the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Francis Okiye conveyed the confirmation of the two civil commissioners and three commissioners for the Edo State Oil and Gas Producing Areas Development Commission (EDSOGPADEC).

The confirmation was sequel to the adoption of the Report of the House Standing Committee on Rules, Business and Government House, chaired by the House Leader, Hon. Henry Okhuarobo.

Presenting the Report to the House, Hon. Okhuarobo said that members of the committee had painstakingly gone through the curriculum vitae of the nominees and found them to be academically qualified and with requisite job experiences to deliver on their roles.

The two civil commissioner-designates are: Mr. Lawrence Ogieva and Mr. Alex Aideloje; while Mr. Charles Aideyan; Mr. Abdullahi Imodagbe and Mr. Daniel Enebi were confirmed as commissioners for EDSOGPADEC.

The Speaker, EDHA, Rt. Hon. Okiye after due clearance of the nominees, congratulated them and asked them to take a bow.

While Mr. Charles Aideyan was nominated to represent Edo South in EDSOGPADEC, Mr. Abdullahi Imodagbe is to represent Edo North Senatorial District. Mr. Daniel Enebi will represent Edo Central in the commission.