
Retail Stores Given Details On Reopening, Can Begin Preparing

Retail stores will be allowed to begin bringing customers into their business at the beginning of phase two, which could be as early as one week away. The state released details on what guidelines retail stores will have to follow in reopening.

The amount of people inside the stores will be limited to either eight people (including staff) per 1,000 square feet of accessible, indoor space or 40 percent of the maximum occupancy, whichever number is greater.

Malls and other indoor shopping areas with multiple tenants must not exceed 40 percent occupancy. Malls also must close things like food court seating, play areas and arcades. Food vendors and restaurants must be takeout-only.

Grocery stores or retail stores with a pharmacy must offer at least one hour of shopping dedicated to customers 60 and older. Stores are encouraged, but not required, to also accommodate other high-risk populations.

Stores should adjust staffing, including staggering shifts. They also should disinfect high-touch areas often and separate checkout stations by either 6 feet or partitions.

Retail staff must wear face coverings unless they are medically unable to.Subscribe

There will be no sampling of items.

Phase two will begin as early as June 8. Gov. Charlie Baker will announce when phase two starts based on public health data this week.

On Monday, Baker signed an executive order allowing staff to return to retail stores to prepare for reopening.