
Shun Corrupt Leaders, Shaibu Tells Nigerians

Edo State Acting Governor, Rt. Hon. Comrade Philip Shaibu has urged Nigerians to stop showing undue respect to corrupt public officials, as part of efforts to win the war against corruption in the country.

The acting governor made the submission while declaring open a One-Day Public Enlightenment and Citizen Activity on Anti-Corruption organised by the Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption in collaboration with the National Orientation Agency (NOA), in Benin City.

Shaibu said the practice where corrupt leaders are given chieftaincy titles and elevated by religious leaders should be discontinued and replaced with a reward system for hardworking and patriotic leaders.

According to him, “As President Muhammadu Buhari will always say, ‘If we don’t kill corruption, corruption will kill us (Nigeria). We must all support the President to win the war against corruption in the country. People see public office as an avenue to make money for themselves, but this must be discontinued. Corrupt leaders should not be respected in society.”

He urged leaders to be role models to the youth through their leadership style so that young people can leverage on the ‘Not Too Young to Run’ campaign to seek elective positions.

State Director, NOA, Mrs Grace Eseka, said the theme of the programme, ‘Value Reorientation and the Fight against Corruption’ was apt, as it was coming at a time when political leaders have just been elected into office.

Eseka said members of the public needed to be sensitised on a continuous basis to hold their representatives and other political office holders in positions of authority accountable.

“We must work together to change the label of corruption in the country and emphasise Nigeria’s positive values which include discipline, hard work, honesty, integrity, social justice and patriotism,” she said.