ColumnistsJonathan Isibor

The Path To Happiness In Life (2)

By Dr. Jonathan Isibor.

In continuation of last week’s discourse on “The path to happiness in life” let us again ask ourselves the following questions and reflect upon them for a moment.

How do we relate to people around us? Do we make our presence a blessing for those with whom we come into contact, or do we make them curse the day they met us?

If we were to stop and reflect a little about how we would feel were we to be at the receiving end, we might begin to view life differently.

We would try to love our neighbors as ourselves and our world would become in consequence a much more satisfying harmonious and happier place.

Therefore, let him who seeks great wealth beware of seeking gold, unless it be to materialize it into the beautiful things of life, symbolized by the very nature of the metal.

Let him who would be wealthy guard himself against seeking for money, for money may come into the hand and pass out again without ever leaving its impress of joy, or a realization of the dreams that sought its coming.

“In the home and in business, let each man and each woman daily, nightly, or at every possible opportunity, petition the cosmic for wealth of health, the wealth of mind power, the wealth of joy in living, the wealth of contentment that comes from adjusting ourselves to the conditions that surround us, and then slowly improving them.

To the wealth of happiness that exists in our lives if we will but discover it; to the wealth of peace that the universe affords all its being; to the wealth of life itself that permits us to know what we are, and that we are who we are-such petitions for wealth as these, followed by prayers of thankfulness for what we have, will daily attune the individual to the abundant wealth of the universe, and each will soon find that affluence and prosperity, health and happiness, material blessings and spiritual benedictions, are flowing freely and bountifully into the filling cup of life. Then each one of us will know what really constitutes wealth”.

In the words of B.C. Forbes, “The things that are most worthwhile in life are really those within reach of every normal human being who cares to seek them.

This means that what can bring about a feeling of satisfaction on the part of the individual is within the grasp of that individual.

We need not seek devious methods to obtain material things because of a belief that society would judge our attainments or possession as the sole measure of our degree of success.

Actually we have the whole of eternity to acquire whatever we need in our life. (The import of this statement will surely be revealed and made clearer in my next discourse on the Law of Reincarnation which will be published shortly).

Another important factor that tends to create unhappiness and disturbance in society is the attitude of religious intolerance displayed by certain persons who, having convinced themselves that they possess an exclusive right to God Almighty, dictate the mode of worship to others.

 Let me state emphatically that for there to be happiness, there must be freedom of worship in the life of every person.

It is however absolutely necessary, absolutely essential that there be religion which can impose spiritual discipline on its adherents.

If there be physical discipline only, then it is a rule of force in which the strongest wins, but if there is a spiritual discipline one has more of a rule of LOVE, and this attracts and sustains happiness for all.

Let me now share with my readers what could be considered as acceptable qualities which could assist everyone in attaining a happy life.

  • When one recognizes and feels that his or her body is a sacred temple of God, and fulfils the duty of taking care of it, therein lies happiness.
  • Happiness is sharing with others and bringing closer the spiritual bonds of love.
  • The ability to develop a positive attitude to all the situations of life.
  • We are on the path to happiness whenever we can attune with the Divine voice within, which guides us in our path with love and charity.
  • Happiness is attained whenever we are able to live peacefully with others in our community.
  • A further important quality that can conduce to happiness is ability to share in the affection and courtesies with others, without prejudice of class, social position, religion, or education.

Furthermore, man may achieve happiness in his present state when and only when he adopts a holistic approach to life.

We must realize that most misconceptions about life, nature, man in creation and transcendental experiences are resolvable through the portals of MYSTICISM, and not miracles.

Mysticism connotes personal awareness through the direct experience of the source of all Being variously called God, the first cause, or the equivalent in other languages.

Mysticism has been aptly described as the root of all TRUE religions. Miracles preached on the pulpits are what usually interest and satisfy the gullible ones in society; not for the serious-minded individuals.

However, one should not pursue spiritual attainments at the expense of material existence, and vice-versa. You must learn to strike a balance.

This kind of balanced attitude to life is what most mystics refer to as following the MIDDLE PATH; a style of living that avoids extremes of behavior in any aspect of life. Therein lies the key to success and happiness.

The last part of this article would be published next week.


Dr. Jonathan Isibor is an Associate Professor of Microbiology at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State of Nigeria. He can be reached at: